Handicap Controls
The centralised score capture and handicap calculation system is not designed to police handicaps and/or identify people who are manipulating their handicaps.
However, the system does generate reports that highlight excessive movements, and it also allows clubs access to the necessary information for monitoring and managing their members’ handicaps.
The current score capturing system is transparent and allows players to see their scores or the scores of other players immediately after they are entered—on the terminals, the handicap website, or on the handicaps app on your cell phone. The policing of these scores (and therefore players’ handicaps), therefore, is really up to you, the golfer, and the club handicapping committee.
The most common method people use to manipulate their handicaps is by not recording their good rounds. The system makes it relatively easy for the clubs to register every round on the system before a golfer plays, forcing them to enter a score or incur a penalty. If clubs and players are concerned about handicap manipulation, then they should ensure that every round, especially handicapped visitor rounds, is registered on the system. Below is a table showing how many rounds are registered (opened) on the system. Perhaps it’s time golfers put more pressure on clubs to do this.
Another way dishonest golfers manipulate their handicaps is by entering the wrong score and/or not trying to play properly when their playing partner is having a good hole.
Every player and every round entered is visible to everyone on the system, and it’s important that if we are playing with someone who has a good day, to check that they have entered the correct score on the system.
Regardless of what system is used, every handicap system around the world places great emphasis on the role of the Club Handicap Committee to ensure their members’ handicaps are representative of their ability.
The committee can easily monitor those members who have been reported, or are suspected of being handicap manipulators. Please make sure your club has an effective handicap committee, and that they use the system to ensure that the members are not manipulating their scores.
New Handicaps GPS App
Handicaps Network Africa is excited to announce the launch of FunGolf’s GPS integration into our HNA Handicaps App, giving you accurate 3D hole maps and precise distance indicators while you are on the course.
To access the free trial version of the GPS integration, simply download the HNA Handicaps App or update to the latest version. Here you will get the first three holes of all the biggest courses in South Africa free of charge.
Subscribing annually (R139.99) via an In-App purchase provides you with access to the remaining holes at all courses.
The GPS App is available on Apple iOS only.
Quote of the Month
“You don’ t know what pressure is until you play for five bucks with only two bucks in your pocket.” ~ Lee Trevino