Dear Golfer
This month we would like to take the opportunity to update you on the recent downtime with the HNA system and the cause of the problems.
The system was taken down, for around 5 days, from the evening of Friday the 12th, until Wednesday the 17th of April, and it was due to an unauthorised attempt to gain access to the HNA server.
As soon as the activity was detected, our technical partners immediately took action to contain the ‘incursion’, and secure the system by taking the HNA handicap service offline.
With the help of industry-leading cybersecurity, and legal teams, a forensic investigation was affected. Following detailed feedback from the technical team, we are pleased to report that while there was a disruption in service, the unauthorised party’s ingress was unsuccessful, and that all the data held by HNA was not impacted by the incident.
When a system like HNA’s goes ‘down’ or offline, for whatever the reason, it certainly highlights how dependent we are on tech in all its forms, how ubiquitous tech is in most areas of our lives, and how inconvenient any interruption can be.
That said, we thank everyone for their patience, and it is important to repeat that no data, or personal information was either lost, or compromised by the breach.
There is also some good news, in that the recent issues have resulted in an overhaul of the entire system, especially as this relates to security.
As communicated previously, players are required to login and change their passwords due to this incident.
If anyone continues to struggle to access the system, please reach out to our support team via email on
Quote of the Month
‘Golf is a compromise between what your ego wants you to do, what experience tells you to do, and what your nerves let you do.’ – Bruce Crampton
Swing easy!
The Handicaps Team