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About Handicaps Network Africa

Who we are

Handicaps Network Africa (HNA) is a joint venture company between GolfRSA and Super-Brands (Pty) Ltd, a leading marketing and sports distribution company in South Africa.

What we do

HNA is the provider of Official GolfRSA Handicap Indexes to 139 000 golfers at over 570 golf clubs across South Africa and Southern Africa, and has been in operation since June 2010.

How we do it

The state of the art handicap system records all score and handicap history on a central database, thereby centralising handicaps on a national basis. Access to the system is easily gained by all users via dedicated handicap terminals at all clubs, the www.handicaps.co.za website, and the HNA Handicaps app.

Benefits of the system

  • A uniform method of golfer identification and handicap calculation
  • Easy verification of every golfer’s membership and Handicap Index
  • Instant availability of all scores entered on the database
  • Consistent application of GolfRSA’s handicapping rules