Home / 12th November 2012 Day: 12 November 2012
The South African Golf Association was founded in 1910 and is the national body for the administration of mens amateur golf. Womens Golf South Africa is an associate member of…
Founded in 1914, Womens Golf South Africa governs women’s amateur golf in South Africa in association with our 13 provincial Unions. Our mission is to grow golf as a game…
Donald James Ross, an influential golf course designer, was born on this day in 1872. He was born in Dornoch, Scotland, but became a citizen of and spent most of…
On the 22 November 2006 a Russian cosmonaut set a new record for the longest drive in history after hitting a lightweight ball while tethered to the outside of the…
This month we clear-up any confusion over the number of 2 or 3 overs permitted per round for handicap purposes, explain the penalty for entering N/R scores online, announce our…